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Pastor Samuel Duyilemi says

"No Balance
The law is a mindset... And Grace is a mindset too...
The most irritating thing about some believers of these days is trying to get a balance between the law and Grace... And then be terming it as truth...
There can never be a balance between self effort and divine power... Many have only not understood how this divine power works, and so they doubt its workings in the life of those who claims that it works in them...
See God doesn't want you to put the new wine of Grace in the old wine-skin of the law, in the name of trying to get a balance...
Jesus was a first Class law teacher, and taught the law in plain terms, but Grace, he only taught it with parables, why? So that seeing they might not see... And hearing they might not hear... Arrggg!!!
You see Bro, you say Grace saved us, but law disciplines us to not keep sinning...(If I quoted you rightly)
That's funny... We are indeed saved by grace... That's beautiful and in truth we are saved by grace... And the truth is we are saved by grace... Grace is not false, it not some wishywashy stuff, it is not so that you may feel good about your bad habits, it is not too good to be true.. Grace is REALITY...
Apostle John has a peculiar way of penning down stuffs, and if you don't read with his style in mind, you'll get a lot of things twisted...
Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ... But Truth is not the part of the 'coin' that disciplines a believer o...
Grace is truth... Truth means REALITY...
Grace saved us... Through Faith, and that faith is not of ourselves, it is the gift of God... And what keeps us saved is none of our doings too, it is total dependence on the Holyspirit... Which is our preservation, Until that day... The bible says the Holy Spirit is our preservation(seal) until that day... If we get to be establishing another means of preserving our salvation, we grieve the Holy spirit, and frustrate Grace and get unpreserved, and fall from grace and then Christ profits us Nothing...
The Bible says Grace is sufficient for us... Nothing more... Grace is enough... Grace is abundant...
I know that's not fair to a self righteous mind, But I'll say it again, Grace is sufficient.. So So sufficient...
Paul said I don't want to know any other thing among you, except Christ and Him Crucified(Grace) that's the Gospel we preach... Not how strong you are, not how dogged you are, not how vast you are...(It is good to be) But that's not what Christ cares to Know in you... What he wants to Know in you is that Christ has done it, and so it is FINISHED
Jesus didn't say will I meet 'holy' people?, nor did he say will I meet dedicated or committed people? He asked if he would meet FAITH people... People who still believes that I am in Christ, and I am a new creation, no matter what my emotions are saying... I do not grow in the consciousness of my weakness, I rather grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ...
The beautiful thing about this is that the religious mind expressly feels like I am deceiving myself... But I can with all boldness say like apostle paul that; For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I KNOW whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. My life is Hid with Christ in God... God is Not relating with me on the basis of sin or not sin(that's Just the bitter truth), he deals with me as with his child, for the child that the faither loves he TRAINS and if I be trained, in the grace of God, the I am Just as he is, I love like Him, His love is Shed abroad in my heart(law fulfilled) by the Holy Spirit...
Who is he that condemneth, it is Christ that died, rather that is risen, who is seated at the power of God, making intercession for us...
Those that fall away falls from the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus... And the simplicity is (that by BELIVING, they might have eternal life) not by working, or by being disciplined or by being lawful... But By believing...
So am I saying we shouldn't be disciplined... No... I aren't saying that, I am disciplined myself, for it is God that works in Me, both to be disciplined and live according to his own desire... It is none of any lawyer's business...
I am a product of Grace, and that this Grace produces new creations is reality..
That is Christ...
Grace to you"

Pastor Samuel Duyilemi


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