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Pastor Onayinka Olusegun said

In a few years of teaching in bible schools and schools for ministry ,I have observed some consistent and notorious characteristics of modern day bible interpretation .
Some of which include
1)Looking for "hidden" meanings for bible verses that have very CLEAR grammatical meanings.
A cow is an animal.Same as scripture!
2)Ignoring tenses expressly stated.
E.G delivered means it has happened.
thus can't be a prayer point .saved means it or he or they will not need salvation .
Blessed means he or she or they have the blessings already.
As simple as this sounds,it's a major albatross of many doctrines today
3)Overruling truth on the basis of our experiences .
This is a constantly raging bull in the china shop.
Truth is true.
The Word is truth.It means other facts exist but It is what we must affirm and stand with .
E.G Some question believing the gospel by putting faith in the blood of Christ alone apart from works as the Only way to be saved.
They now retort "are u saying if a person does so and so claiming he has believed ,he is saved.
Well,I usually avoid such vain jangling.
Simple bible truth is embedded in Romans 10:8-10
John 3:16,mark16:15 ,acts16:31.
I don't validate truth,I am only a messenger .
4)Now this is very common,...Personality Scan!
If someone or some folks are disregarded by us,our caucuses,pastor etc we must not believe anything they say.
Infact,an heretic to us is any one who doesn't teach our doctrines!
We find ministers study to disprove their profound enemies.
Such hatred color our study of the scriptures.
Truth is True even if the speaker isn't a friend,Right?
5)Searching for contradictions where scriptures are express.
Rather than believe scriptures we hunt for where certain verses say differently the subject in question.
Eg-Any serious bible teacher knows salvation is 100%Gods work.
Hence the verses that clearly state it as so.
John3:16,10:28-29,Phil1:6,Heb7:22-25,10:10-14 ,Ephesians 2:8-10 amongst many others.
Truly said,some believers act like unbelievers(though we all do many times lol),some are false brethren...,all these have well detailed explanation in scriptures yet we substitute discipleship for salvation and growth stages of the christian walk as judgement of whether salvation is present or otherwise.
Seriously speaking its poor bible marksmanship.
Let the truth be True.
6)The crime of eisegesis.
Here we simply leave context and quote words we need, lifting them out of the pretext and postext into our ready made meanings.
This is a huge crime.
We must read through verses,chapters,the whole epistle and better still the whole bible !
This usually calms our minds when we do .
Faith mustn't must not be used as a cliche such as make mark 11:23 to be seen as benchmark for every where faith is mentioned (that hurts for me too he he ,lol)
It must be read in context.
Eg,Heb11:1 was never defining faith.
The Bible is not a dictionary .
U must read all its verses to know meanings.
Heb11:1 must be read from heb10:38 and through to Heb12:2!
7)Finally(This list is not exhaustive as I only mentioned a few)
The "Spirit says" vs Spirit said.
Well,without doubt,The bible is what the Spirit said.
To have any spirit saying,it must have been said else its another spirit !
We must never subject scriptures to a "god told me this and that" in doctrinal matters.
In your individual life ,you can be such persuaded on matters peculiar to u but never on doctrinal matters.
On Doctrinal matters,it's simply
What the Spirit said over 6000 years and is written!
Paul who had the most distinguishing revelation in the whole bible says this
Ephesians 3:2-5 (KJV)
2[If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:]
3[How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words,]
4[Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ)] 5[Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;]
It's written to be read and understood!
Why have I said all these?
Bible interpretation is the fabric of true CHRISTIAN living and ministry.
It can mislead millions and send men to hell.
Put many in bondage,hinder the Gospel and cause division in the body.
Pastors and leaders must avoid the errors of false bible Interpretation with their whole heart,
Hope this blesses u?
Have a Spirit filled week ahead
Jesus is Lord,We win!

 Onayinka Olusegun


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