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Showing posts from June, 2015


In the midst of storms And all is cold and Choky When the storm is severely harsh Have faith in God   When all hope seems lost And there is no one to turn to When there is darkness all around Your God is able   When friends and family forsake And all has deserted None seems to care But Jesus Alone   Cast your cares upon Him For He alone cares for you Look unto Jesus, the author, And the finisher of your faith   He says peace be still That He has conquered the world Keep your gaze upon Him in patience Joy comes in the morning


The spirit of a man is the essence of Him The spirit has a soul and lives in a body But the realness of the trio Is yet the spirit   God is Spirit by nature So when He created you and I In His image and likeness created He us That we may function even like Him So just like the Spirit of God is the essence of God So is the spirit of man the essence of man   But before a man can fully function like God He needs the Spirit of God To yet fill his own spirit To make possible the fellowship of Spirits Like it was in the garden of Eden   If you have received into spirit The spirit which is of God Then you need to continuously fellowship with HIM To fully manifest the person of God And to function like Him   If you have believed in Jesus Christ But have not received into your spirit The Spirit of God Then all you need to do Is to ask the father in faith Who alone give good gifts Unto His children


  In the days of old A man needs to fulfil the laws of Moses To obtain the righteousness of the law But by faith in Jesus Christ Have we all obtained the righteousness of God So by inheritance every believer must flourish Why? Because it is written That the righteous, shall flourish like the palm tree And grow like Cedar in Lebanon This is the blessedness of righteousness   After by faith, Abraham obtained Righteousness He was blessed of God That He should be fruitful and multiply And replenish the earth and even subdue it What blessing from the mouth of God Even as a result of faith to righteousness To Abraham and to all His seeds This is the blessedness of righteousness   Believing is not a call to mediocrity, Neither is it a call to poverty, But a call to fruitfulness And yet a call to multiplication For this is our heritage even as the seed of Abraham And our inheritance even as sons of God To man


  Have you a task before you? Have you been assigned by God? For some responsibility(s) Is it business? Is it ministry? Is it politics? Is it leadership? … . Have you been thinking again? That you are unqualified Well, I will want to say to you today That, God does not use people Based on their family history Neither does He use people Based on their family wealth But He better uses the Nobodies i.e. the humble Rather than those who think they are wise (the proud) Using the base things of this world Rather than the highly esteemed of this world And choosing the foolish things of this world Than those who think they are wise   He who has called you has qualified you So why the prideful thought that you are unqualified He does not call the qualified But rather, He qualifies the called So, He who has called you alone is your qualification   Beloved, I beseech you now and again Go right ahead and fulfil t


  Have you ever felt like an alien to God? Have you ever felt like you have no God in this world? Well, hold your peace and know this: You were once dead in sin, but when you got saved, God made you alive unto Himself, You were formerly afar off, but God has drawn you back to Himself by the blood of Jesus; Now, stop feeling alienated, Because you are now of the household of God, Your citizenship is in heaven, You are fellow citizens with the saints in light, You are now seated with Christ in the Heavenly places, Behold, your father wants to fellowship with you; Now; Continue in the good works He recreated you for and fulfill your commission on earth; Because nothing can separate you from His love.


God's word is the food for the regenerated Spirit (saved spirit). He builds up the spirit to grow to the stature of Christ. Never allow a day to pass by without you feeding on this living word.


The Spirit of truth wants to speak to you. He wants to reveal unto you truths about God's eternal plan for you... But you have to be sensitive Him.... have a great day ahead Toluwase


  Wordly desires and pleasures wont satisfy your soul. The heart desires of a man can only be satisfied by he one who created it. Therefore only our communion and personal fellowship can satisfy our longing for God. Keep fellowshipping. Toluwase

#Fatherhood of God#1

  "After minding our own business and neglecting our father for a period, it is amazing how we find Him still waiting for us to come back to Him, and when we do, He accepts us back in fellowship with all willingness. Although its best to always abide in Him". Toluwase