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After receiving the gift of righteousness, by faith in Jesus Christ, you have to take note that you cannot continue in this righteousness by striving to fulfil the deeds of the law. It was faith in the work performed by Jesus Christ on the cross that gave unto us righteousness, hence, we ought to continue in this righteousness by faith. After being justified by faith (rom 5:1), we ought to live by this same faith.

Brother Paul described the Galatians as foolish, why? Because having received the gift of righteousness by faith, they were trying to attain perfection by the works of the flesh….. It’s uncalled for.

Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? (Gal 3:3)

Now, an important question will arise at this point, are we then disregarding the laws and making it void? No we are not, it is only that God, who is THE LAW Himself has given us another way, “THE ONLY WAY” to uphold the law i.e. believing and having faith in JESUS CHRIST.

Now that we have been made righteous as a gift, we ought to live out this righteousness, but we cannot live out righteousness by beholding sin because the more you behold sin, the more you are drawn to sin.

Now, Christ is our only example of what perfection is (Eph4:13, and this is due to the fact that He has fulfilled THE law (Heb5:9), I mean God who is the law has fulfilled the law by coming in the flesh to the world by Himself, so having faith in this man (GOD-MAN) gives us righteousness automatically.


We no longer fix our gaze on the things that are past, but rather, we behold Christ and fix our gaze upon Him, that’s how to live in righteousness, Christ is the beginning and also the end of our faith, so everything we would ever need is in Him, I mean everything is in His word (Him), so this automatically helps us to grow in Him.

Prov 23:7 teaches us that what a man eventually becomes is directly proportional to what He thinks, this law also applies here, if you continually think and meditate about Christ, you eventually become like Him. So rather than running helter-sketer away from sin, making to lack direction, why not just focus on Jesus Christ, who is the author and the finisher of our faith?


Ø  The more you behold Christ, the more the Holy Spirit transforms you to His perfect image (2 cor 3:18)

Ø  A Believer ought to continually live by faith in Jesus Christ (Gal 3:11)

Read righteousness #1 here


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