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Showing posts from March, 2015


LIVING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS After receiving the gift of righteousness, by faith in Jesus Christ, you have to take note that you cannot continue in this righteousness by striving to fulfil the deeds of the law. It was faith in the work performed by Jesus Christ on the cross that gave unto us righteousness, hence, we ought to continue in this righteousness by faith. After being justified by faith (rom 5:1), we ought to live by this same faith. Brother Paul described the Galatians as foolish, why? Because having received the gift of righteousness by faith, they were trying to attain perfection by the works of the flesh….. It’s uncalled for. Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? (Gal 3:3) Now, an important question will arise at this point, are we then disregarding the laws and making it void? No we are not, it is only that God, who is THE LAW Himself has given us another way, “THE ONLY WAY” to uphold the law i.e. believing and havin


RIGHTEOUSNESS                 Righteousness is the state of being righteous, Merriam-Webster dictionary defined “righteous” as (1). Acting in accordance to divine or moral law, (2). Being free from guilt or sin. From this, we can infer that if there were no divine deity (GOD), there would be nothing called righteousness. In fact, morality (right or wrong doing) exists because there is a God.                 Hence, it is very easy to claim that once you continually do “what is good and right”, and fulfil all laws, then you are righteous. But I tell you, fulfilling all the laws is the most difficult thing to do, In fact, it is impossible, why? Because (1). The laws are too numerous to fulfil (2). Once you default in one, you have defaulted in all (Rom 3:10, 11, and 23),                 Sin actually came because there was something called law i.e. if there is no law, it means that there would have been no sin. But really, the law is good and righteous because fulfilment of the