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Showing posts from March, 2016


‪#‎ BecauseHeRose‬ The essence of Christianity is because Jesus resurrected Had He not risen We would have remained in our sin And our faith would be in vain But because He rose Therefore, we have life Yet not an ordinary life But life Eternal______WE WILL NEVER DIE or PERISH Even if our flesh dies We (our spirit) will surely live with Him Because we have believed the only begotten of the father ___Who rose from dead The same power that raised Jesus from the dead Has been given to you and me (every believer) I mean the resurrection power is at work in you and me Just because He rose You can preach the gospel of Christ And Heal their sick And raise their dead And speak life to their dead situation WHY? BECAUSE HE ROSE Hallelujah, my saviour rose Therefore, as Christ is, so am I The works He did, I can do and I will do much more Because He rose______Never to die again ‪#‎ Happyresurrection‬

He sang it far better than Don Moen

This Autistic boy sang it far better than Don Moen There is hope for you too

Everything you do is by Faith By Pastor Bill Winston

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Southwest Believers' Convention Bill Winston God's Provision in the New ...


Joseph Prince The Power of God is Released When You Pray in the Spirit

Authority Over Angels rophet Kobus Van resburg

Best Bible Teacher Ever Pastor Chris Segun Onayinka

Charis Campmeeting 2015 Monday Morning Session Charis Campmeeting 2015 Monday Morning Session Best Bible Teacher Ever via @YouTube Pastor Chris Segun Onayinka

Prophet Kobus Question & Answer YouTube

Joyce Meyer Becoming One With God Pt1 YouTube

Be Healed and Prospered Kobus Van resburg


captured in Glory: Bring it out of the Unseen