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Showing posts from December, 2015


Many times in our lives, God blesses us with a divine inspiration or and with a divine idea and we are even sure its God, But we are sometimes to timid to timid to launch into it. Look, when God gives you an idea, it may be worth a million dollars, because God himself is the bank and the owner of all good ideas in the universe and you as a son have every right to it. What on earth are you scared of after all when God says yes nobody on earth can say no. I have learnt in my life that ideas are like seeds, they can give birth to a forest, just give it time and nourish it. That little or foolish idea that God has given you may cause a positive dent in the sand of time and that might just put your name in the hall of fame. Remember, God is not commonsensical, and his instructions are most times not valid to a natural mind (1cor 2:14), if God says He will use that idea to transform the world, who are you to ask how? He may not give you the while picture when He gives you the id