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Showing posts from August, 2015


Gods plan for us is not to suffer but to have and posses all things that we ever need on this earth. You see, when Christ died, he obtained the ownership of the world that the devil stole from Adam back for us believers, this is why He is called the last Adam having recovered all for us. So it is just not right when children of the devil enjoy the right of believers and believers who are the rightful heir to God suffer and wallow in poverty, sickness and are void of good things of this world due to unbelief. How can princes walk on the ground when servants ride on horses??? This is not right!!! The scriptures is no joke when it record these things Mark  11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Romans  8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? 1 Corinthians  3:22 Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cepha


    A man's will is the product of his soul desires i.e. his thoughts and imaginations, his own mind and emotions, his pains and joys, his environment and experiences.... God's will is the supernaturally ordained counsel and plan of God for a man, since God is omniscient, He knows the end from the beginning and there fore He knows exactly what satisfies the soul he has created. Hence all the desires of the soul can only be satisfied if you follow Gods plan, God's will is always the best for a man because only He that created the human soul can fully satisfy it.   After you have discovered Gods will, there is still a place of surrendering your own will otherwise, Gods divine counsel cannot stand in your life. God has given man the power of choice and He does not interfere with whatever choice that you have decided to make. For the counsel of God to stand, you must accept totally God's   will. If after realizing Gods own will, you still want to f


  Man is a spirit, this spirit has a soul and lives in a body The spirit of man has been perfected at salvation, but the soul is in the gradual process of being perfect because the soul is the seat of fleshly desires and this can only be corrected through renewal by the word of God.   The soul comprises of the mind, the will and the emotions The mind is a very important part of the soul, it is used in thinking, the body is a slave to the mind because the body always acts out the desires of the mind and soul Anything conceived by the mind can be acted by the body be it fornication, stealing or better still success and excellence.   Jesus Christ also taught that if lusting after a woman is as good as actually committing adultery. God is very much concerned about what you think of and that is why we need to guard our heart (prov 4:23). Everyone has the power to choose what they think of. You dont have to think about just anything that comes to your min


    Under the law, the people of God had but limited access to God ’ s presence due to the their unrighteousness, in fact, they couldn ’ t access God ’ s presence except by the means of a representatives i.e. the priests and they even had a special representative who was the high priest, only the high priest had access to the inner court of the temple (holiest) which was most reverenced only once in a year (Heb 9:1-7) to atone for His own sin and the sin of the people by the blood of goats and lambs.           However in the new covenant, Christ being our high priest of better things, He obtained eternal redemption for us, once and for all by entering into the Holies not by the blood of animals but by His own blood (Heb 9:12, 10:12), because the blood of animals could never have taken away sin (Heb 10:4,8,11), but only covered them this is why the same sacrifice had to be repeatedly done each year, hence the need to take away the law and establish a new covenant of better