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Showing posts from May, 2015


The world's formula for relationship is (1/2)+(1/2) =1. i.e. they believe that it takes two lonely and incomplete people to be in a relationship and succeed. God's law of relationship is 1+1=1 as recorded in the scriptures...."and the two shall be one flesh" (Gen 2:24, Eph 5:31), two broken people cannot be successful in relationship, this is because the two of them are incomplete. In relationships, once you start feeling like you cant live without him/her, it means that you are incomplete and you are unwhole. What you should do in that case is to get into God's word and prayers to find your completeness. We as children of God should find our completeness in God. (And ye are complete in Him which is the head of all principality and power Col 2:10). Do not be beguiled by the vain philosophies and deceit of the world and of the traditions of NOLLYWOOD, HOLLYWOOD etc. Why? because God has made you the light to this broken world and the gentiles should come to you


The world's formula for relationship is (1/2)+(1/2) =1. i.e. they believe that it takes two lonely and incomplete people to be in a relationship and succeed. God's law of relationship is 1+1=1 as recorded in the scriptures...."and the two shall be one flesh" (Gen 2:24, Eph 5:31), two broken people cannot be successful in relationship, this is because the two of them are incomplete. In relationships, once you start feeling like you cant live without him/her, it means that you are incomplete and you are unwhole. What you should do in that case is to get into God's word and prayers to find your completeness. We as children of God should find our completeness in God. (And ye are complete in Him which is the head of all principality and power Col 2:10). Do not be beguiled by the vain philosophies and deceit of the world and of the traditions of NOLLYWOOD, HOLLYWOOD etc. Why? because God has made you the light to this broken world and the gentiles should come to you