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Showing posts from February, 2015


You are a spirit Man has three components which makes Him up which is the SPIRIT, the SOUL, and the BODY, so Man is a spirit who has a soul which lives in a body, hence, the real person inside of you is the spirit inside of you. When God created man, He made Him in His image and after His own likeness and also the scripture makes us to understand that God is Spirit (John 4:23), meaning that if God is spirit and He actually made us in His image, then we also are spirit beings . Now, as a believer, the spirit in you has been regenerated at salvation i.e. new birth (2cor 5:17), but that regenerated spirit has to be constantly fed with God’s word to strengthen him. Now, 1pet 2:2 explained that new born babes should desire the sincere milk of the Word for growth. Here the newly recreated spirit in man is being likened to a new born baby who requires the breast milk of the mother for growth, similarly, the newly recreated spirit should not be starved of food just like a baby should n