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Showing posts from January, 2015


God created man in His own image and likeness so that man could fellowship with Him (Gen 1:26) after which He placed man into the Garden of Eden. At this time, the man was alive to God. Man being made in God’s own likeness, man was righteous like God. Not only was man righteous, God gave man the authority to dominate on every other creatures, and live in command, so originally every work of God was subjected to man’s control and under man’s jurisdiction (Gen 1:28-31). Inasmuch as God gave man such power, man had his own will. So something terrible happened, man disobeyed God by eating of the fruit at the center of the garden which God told them not to eat, so man became spiritually dead i.e. His Spirit was no longer alive to God because of the act of disobedience. This opened the eyes of man that they got to know what good and evil was. This was how man became totally alive to sin and became spiritually dead to God. But God LOVES the world so much such that despite of the sin